Supercomputing Conference 2017

ICHEC exhibited at the Supercomputing Conference for the 4th year in a row at SC17 in Denver, Colorado.
SC17 was a fantastic opportunity for ICHEC to showcase our activities to the wider HPC community and hold some very important meetings about potential projects in 2018. Highlights from the schedule included a keynote speech from our exhibit floor neighbours Square Kilometre Array. SKA is an international collaboration to build the world’s largest radio telescope that will change our understanding of space as we know it.
ICHEC staff also attended a wide variety of Tutorials, Workshops and Birds-of-Feather talks.
As all international conferences that ICHEC have attended in recent years, our booth attracted considerable attention on the exhibit floor for our plush toy giveaways. Our little blue Penguins lead to many interesting and informative conversations with people from all sides of the HPC community and we'll be back in 2018 in Dallas with some new toys to give away!