Partnerships & Collaborations

Whether it is with industry, academia or the public sector, ICHEC’s preferred engagement model is through collaborations and partnerships. As a leading authority in HPC in Ireland, a number of high-profile engagements have developed over the years, most of these still active projects. The existence of these multi-year relationships is a clear indication of their strategic value to our collaborators and partners. Follow on one of the following shortcuts for further information:
- Industry partnerships
- EC Horizon 2020 partnerships
- Exchequer-supported collaborations and partnerships
- Public Sector and Semi-State bodies
- Lexis Project
In addition to EC Horizon 2020 partnerships ICHEC is actively engaged in a number of international initiatives, ranging from infrastructure building, policy advice on technology and climate change. ICHEC's active role in HPC ensures that Ireland truly avails of relevant opportunities and plays a part in shaping up the future.
ICHEC’s key domains of expertise are Novel Technologies and Environmental Sciences, each supported through a dedicated ICHEC activity, and each providing considerable bodies of knowledge and expertise that can be leveraged to initiate and support collaborative R&D. In ICHEC, we strongly believe in the impact of combining technological excellence and domain expertise. The description of these activities will demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
We are flexible
ICHEC offers a number of models, including consultancy, sub-contracting / outsourcing and partnerships, which vary in terms of their scale, scope and duration.
We are adaptable
ICHEC offers a rarely found combination of multi-disciplinary domain expertise of applied mathematicians, computational scientists, software engineers and accredited project managers, all of which allows us to assemble the optimal skillset to ensure successful outcome.
We are technology agnostic
ICHEC does not sell products and are not bound to any specific vendor or technology; we will offer a solution based on whatever technology we deem best suited within the constraints set by our clients.
Our competence is widely recognised
ICHEC is only one of a handful of organisations worldwide, which have been recognised by Intel (Intel Parallel Computing Centre programme 2013) NVIDIA (CUDA Research Centre 2008), and Xillinx (Alliance Programme 2015)
Quality Assurance
ICHEC uses industry standard project methodologies with accredited project managers (PMP, PRINCE2, Agile). The client indicates their preference on which framework to use.
IP Management
We provide flexible approach to intellectual property, permitting full ownership through commercial consultancy models, and shared-ownership via state supported programmes.