HPC Europa 3
HPC-Europa3 provides a high quality service of transnational access to the most advanced HPC infrastructures available in Europe for the European research science community.

HPC Europa3, is the third innovative edition of the programme and aims to:
- Provide access to 8 European HPC centres (with a target of 1,220 visits), via a single application and an international peer-review process, free of charge and with minimal administrative overhead;
- Mentor in the usage of the most advanced HPC facilities;
- Facilitate new scientific collaboration to be formed within an extremely wide network of scientific host labs in all the computational sciences domains;
- Increase awareness of the benefits in the use of HPC towards SMEs;
- Increase synergy and collaboration with other HPC initiatives;
- Identify a long-term sustainability roadmap to facilitate future access to HPC resources.
The project is based on a program of visit, in the form of traditional transnational access, with researchers visiting HPC centres and/or scientific hosts who will mentor them scientifically and technically for the best exploitation of the HPC resources in their research. The visitors will be funded for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project.
A complementary Joint Research Action will investigate the user of container-as-a-service for HPC.
Transnational Access
Collaborating closely with EPCC, ICHEC will be facilitating twenty research visits to Ireland over the four year period of the programme.
Joint Research Action - containers-as-a-service
ICHEC lead a subtask within the Joint Research Action and will be authoring two deliverables on lightweight virtualisation for HPC.
External Co-operations for enhancing the best use of HPC
ICHEC will also contribute to the creation of a sustainability roadmap and networking activities.