Scientific Programming Concepts Course @ NUI Galway

ICHEC is organising the "Scientific Programming Concepts" course on 14-15 and 28-29 November 2017 at NUI Galway. It is an introduction to programming concepts aimed at scientists who have had minimal or no formal training in the subject. The focus is on C and Fortran yet the general concepts should be applicable to other programming languages. The main topics covered in this module includes: overview of computer architecture, the Linux shell, the imperative programming paradigm, data types & arithmetic operations, loops & conditional statements, object-oriented programming, standard libraries, compilation, C pointers and memory management, modern Fortran, scripting languages and an introduction to HPC concepts.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Gain an understanding of what constitutes a computer program and how it is constructed.
- Comprehend written source code.
- Write and compile basic programs in C/Fortran.
- Make use of standard libraries in own code.
Participants enrolled in graduate programmes can attend the course and complete the required assignments for 5 ECTS credits.
More details about the course can be found on the registration page.