Industry Leaders Combine to Address Immediate Skills Shortage in Deep Learning

This September, The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) partners with Microsoft, Intel, Google, MathWorks and Nvidia to deliver first of its kind training in deep learning.
As High-Performance Computing (HPC) has advanced from academic research centres and into mainstream IT infrastructure, there is an increased focus on emerging domains such as deep learning and artificial intelligence. Deep learning with neural networks in particular has dominated the attention of the HPC community as algorithms are applied to huge and often complex datasets. Continued advancements in HPC enabled deep learning has accelerated a thriving AI ecosystem in Ireland and the expansion of neural networks usage across many industries.
This sudden demand for a workforce with the skills to use powerful neural networks has already lead to the launch of a Masters in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the University of Limerick in collaboration with The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC). Despite this, we will not see qualified graduates until Autumn 2019 and global industry advancements in technology will not wait.
ICHEC is the seventh global Nvidia CUDA research centre, the sixth global Intel Parallel Computing Centre, and leads research on HPC in Ireland. The centre has designed a unique, industry focused Deep Learning Training Course, with real use cases and guest lectures being provided by the main industry players, Microsoft, Intel, Google, MathWorks and Nvidia. Each partner will present their unique experience on how and where to start applying deep learning.
What is Deep Learning?
With large and complex data sets, deep learning trains a computer to perform tasks in an human-like manner, such as describing content, recognising speech, classifying images or making predictions based on patterns. The computer algorithms involved try to mimic how layers of neurons work together to ‘learn’. So while traditionally the programmer will tell the computer the predefined rules and patterns to look for in the data, deep learning approaches sets up basic parameters about the data and train the computer to learn on its own by recognising patterns.
Due to the iterative nature of deep learning algorithms, their complexity as the number of layers increase, and the large volumes of data needed to train the networks, a lot of computational resources is needed to solve deep learning problems; hence the need to utilise High-Performance Computing.
“HPC aided deep learning algorithms can be used for detection of anomalies or false positives, to support human decisions or to provide early insights. Not only this, but time to action can be reduced from a matter of days to minutes or seconds.” explained Dr. Venkatesh Kannan, Novel Technologies Lead at ICHEC.
The course will begin on 17th September, through this 5-day technical course (run over 2 sessions), participants can learn more about: data segmentation, concepts of artificial neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning techniques and GPU-accelerated application of deep learning frameworks on the cloud.
Deep Learning Training: Level 1
This 5-day training course will run over to 2 sessions and introduces fundamental concepts in deep learning, along with an overview of prominent and widely-used deep learning frameworks. Training will include demonstration of use-cases along with hands-on exercises using the frameworks on GPU-accelerated platforms. Training will be augmented with guest lectures and networking sessions involving industry leaders in deep learning and AI.
Dates: 17th - 19th September 2018
24th - 25th September 2018
Cost: €1,750
Companies registered with Skillnet = €1,400
Venue: Chartered Accountants House, 47 - 49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Deep Learning Training: Level 2
An 8-week (4 hours per week) advanced training course to work on advanced concepts and use-cases in deep learning. Training will be achieved through offline study of material for the advanced concepts and solving basic exercises, as a lead up to each of the 4-hour session over 8 weeks. Training sessions will include personal discussions of the advanced concepts and hands-on sessions for advanced use-cases.
Dates: October 2018
Cost: €1,600
Companies registered with Skillnet = €1,280
Venue: Chartered Accountants House, 47 - 49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2