Terms of Reference for EDI Committee


The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee has a mandate to address the following five roles:


  1. Oversight: to monitor and review policies and key decisions for possible bias, and inform the Executive Committee (ExecComm) should such situations arise, preferably with recommended alternatives (on a case by case basis). Such role will both take place in the background (constant action, at the Committee’s own discretion) and at ExecComm’s request (e.g., as part of the policy development process).
    The Chair of the Committee may be invited by the Chairs of the ICHEC Governance Board and the NUIG-ICHEC Management Committee to provide independent assessment on the Centre’s performance on the matter of EDI (the Committee ought to develop and propose a framework for assessment as part of its initial work).
  2. Advisory: the Committee will monitor the equality and diversity targets and develop and recommend the development of policies and statements relating to their mandate, particularly in relation to gender equality policy. Such statements will be placed on the Centre’s website for communication to stakeholders and the general public. Where appropriate, the Committee will communicate and work with the College and/or University EDI. In addition to this, ExecComm will seek advice and recommendations on specific matters such as, e.g., strategy to improve gender balance in the Centre (concrete measures to improve recruitment and retention).
  3. Pastoral Care: to provide confidential advice to staff who feel concerned or upset about particular situations where EDI is perceived as a possible factor, including altercations with colleagues or third parties, whether verbally or by Email. The purpose would be to advise as to options to deal with such issues at an early stage. Such incidents shall be brought to the attention of the ExecComm members, as required, in a timely manner. Members of the Committee will receive suitable training, and will be expected to maintain an open channel of communication with relevant persons in NUI Galway HR should external advice be required or indeed the situation escalated with a more formal setting.
  4. Awareness raising: championing, raising awareness and promoting a culture of equality and diversity.
  5. Documentation: the Committee shall use a suitable light-weight documentation mechanism to maintain a record of its activities associated with the above-mentioned four roles.


  • The Committee shall comprise a minimum of three members, and a maximum of seven.
  • The initial Chairperson shall be appointed by the ICHEC Executive Committee, with his/her/their mandate renewable at the end of this initial term, following the process described below.
    • A co-Chair may be appointed by the Committee at its inaugural meeting (volunteers will provide a brief outline of their motivation, which will be followed by a vote - the Chair has a casting vote in the eventuality of a tied vote). 
  • Terms are for a period of two years, renewable for only one additional term. 
    • A third of its initial members will be invited to step down after only one term to ensure better transmission of knowledge across terms.
  • Members of ExecComm are not eligible to join, however
    • a member of ExecComm may be invited by the Chair for a meeting (or part thereof), with their presence by invitation only and restricted to specific agenda items at the discretion of the Chair.
  • The presence of an external (non-ICHEC) member is permissible but not mandatory.
  • When forming (and renewing) membership, great care must be taken to ensure suitable levels of representation for minorities concerned with issues relating to gender diversity, ethnicity and religious beliefs.
    • Other aspects such as e.g., chronic mental health, disability, sexual orientation may also be formally represented though more sensitive (owing to privacy issues).
    • Broad representation in terms of staff roles (e.g., sysadmins, computational scientists, etc.) and experience (all levels, excluding ExecComm members) is also encouraged though not mandatory for practical reasons.
  • The Committee will meet no less than quarterly (monthly recommended). The Chair may call for exceptional meetings when the Committee’s intervention is deemed time-sensitive. The Quorum is half the Committee's size + 1, with the presence of either the Chair or co-Chair. 
  • The Chair will request suitable time commitments from ExecComm, to be included as part of its members’ personalised work schedule. 


ICHEC Executive Committee, 14th May 2021.

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