Project Start Date
01st May 2017
Project End Date
30th Apr 2019
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an international not-for-profit association with 25 member countries, whose representative organisations create a pan-European supercomputing infrastructure.
PRACE aims to enable high impact scientific discovery and engineering R&D, across all disciplines, to enhance European competitiveness for the benefit of society. PRACE meet this objective through the provision of world class computing and data management resources and services via a peer review process.
The PRACE project partners receive EC funding under the PRACE Preparatory and Implementation Phase Projects through the FP7 and H2020 programmes and are currently in the 5th Implementation Phase (PRACE-5IP):
- PRACE-PP, 2008-2010, Grant Agreement: RI-211528, Overall EC Contribution: €9,800,000
- PRACE-1IP, 2010-2012, Grant Agreement: RI-261557, Overall EC Contribution: €20,000,000
- PRACE-2IP, 2011-2013, Grant Agreement: RI-283493, Overall EC Contribution: €18,000,000
- PRACE-3IP, 2012-2014, Grant Agreement: RI-312763, Overall EC Contribution: €19,000,000
- PRACE-4IP, 2015-2017, Grant Agreement: RI-653838, Overall EC Contribution: €15,000,000
- PRACE-5IP, 2017-2019, Grant Agreement: RI-730913, Overall EC Contribution: €15,000,000
ICHEC has been a member of PRACE since 2010. In particular, ICHEC contributes to the Operational Services for the HPC Eco-System, Applications Enabling and Support, Dissemination and Outreach, and Training work packages.
ICHEC plays a leadership role in PRACE, leading or co-leading the Training work package in PRACE-2IP and PRACE-5IP, and the Dissemination and Outreach Work Package in PRACE-3IP and PRACE-4IP. In addition, ICHEC have provided task leadership in the Applications Enabling and Support work package in PRACE-3IP and PRACE-4IP, producing valued White Papers and reports.
ICHEC are a PRACE Training Centre. ICHEC architected and coordinate the very successful PRACE Advanced Training programmes and the PRACE Summer of HPC internship programme.
In 2015, ICHEC hosted the annual PRACE scientific and industrial conference PRACEdays in Dublin.
ICHEC also participate in the management and governance of PRACE with representatives on the PRACE Technical board, Management Board and Council.