Buket Benek Gursoy, Ph.D.
Buket joined ICHEC in November 2012 as a computational scientist. At ICHEC, she was involved in developing software on diverse applications of science and engineering such as molecular dynamics, quantum physics and geophysics. She lead the PRACE WP7 Task 7.2 on "Preparing for PRACE Exascale Systems" and contributed to a number of PRACE technical projects mainly related to the GPU computing. She was also involved in the ExSeisDat (Extreme-Scale Seismic Data) project and multiple EU funded projects on exciting topics.
She currently supports performance engineering projects and takes part in formal teaching activities in particular within graduate programmes.
Prior to joining ICHEC, Buket has worked on the analysis of the stability and spectral properties of nonnegative matrices with applications in multi-criteria decision making problems during her Ph.D.. She has worked on solving large scale sparse linear systems of equations with preconditioners during her M.Sc.
Buket likes travelling and learning about different cultures.
- Ph.D. in Applied Maths at the Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
- M.Sc. in Computational Science and Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- B.Sc. in Maths Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Publications |
B. Benek Gursoy, J. C. Meyer and J. Eriksson, Mini-Workshop on Preparing for PRACE Exascale systems, PRACE Whitepaper (2017). |
B. Benek Gursoy, S. Kirkland, O. Mason and S. Sergeev, The Markov Chain Tree Theorem in commutative semirings and the State Reduction Algorithm in commutative semifields, Linear Algebra Appl. 468 (2015) 184-196. |
B. Benek Gursoy, Enabling Band Parallelisation in QE-PHONON, Conference poster at WiHPC Workshop in SC'14, 21 November 2014, New Orleans. |
B. Benek Gursoy, H. R. Nagel, An Analysis of State of the Art Tools for Preparing DL_POLY_4 for Exascale, PRACE Whitepaper (2014). |
B. Benek Gursoy, S. Kirkland, O. Mason and S. Sergeev, On the Markov Chain Tree Theorem in the Max Algebra, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 26 (2013) 15-27. |
B. Benek Gursoy, O. Mason and S. Sergeev, The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Max Algebra and Multi-objective Optimisation, Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013) 2911-2928. |
B. Benek Gursoy and O. Mason, P1max and Smax properties and asymptotic stability in the max algebra, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011) 1008-1018. |
B. Benek Gursoy and O. Mason, Spectral properties of matrix polynomials in the max algebra, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011) 1626-1636. |
B. Benek and M. Demiralp, Approximation Methods for the Solution of Quantum Evolution Equations at the Zero Fluctuation Limit, Multivariate Analysis and its Application in Science and Engineering (MAASE), 2008, Istanbul. |
B. Benek and H. Dag, A Comparison of Decomposition Techniques for Structurally Symmetric Sparse Matrices for Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization, International Conference on Computational Science and Education (ICCSE), 2006, Rochester NY. |
H. Dag, G. Soykan and B. Benek, Can Interval Arithmetic Based Preconditioner Work For Nonlinear Systems?, International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (ICCSE), 2005, Istanbul. |