Jason Flanagan, Ph.D.
Jason joined ICHEC in January 2017 under the EPA funded project: Towards a definitive historical high-resolution dataset for Ireland – promoting climate research in Ireland. This research has been motivated by the recent completion of three Irish climate simulations – two at ICHEC and one at Met Eireann (MERA) – that were performed at high spatial and temporal resolutions, for the period 1981-2016. The overall aim of this research is the production of high-quality climate datasets that will be made available for use by policy makers, researchers and the general public.
Before joining ICHEC, Jason was a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCD Earth Institute for the period 2015-2016. Whilst there, his research was focused on the development of robust automated procedures to facilitate the construction, quality control and statistical analysis of large, ocean measurement datasets.
From 2010-2015, Jason was the recipient of a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship and was tenured within the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. Whilst at NPS, Jason was involved in several research projects that modelled a variety of ocean processes, from small-scale (double-diffusion) up to basin scale (ocean gyres), and their interaction.
Prior to this (2008-2009), Jason was employed as an Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics and Statistics at the Institute of Technology Tallaght.
Jason received his PhD from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Limerick in 2008, where his research was focused on both the stability of ocean vortices and the shoaling of surface wave packets.
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