Marta Olszewska, MSc
Marta joined ICHEC in September 2021 as a Machine Learning and Data Scientist.
Marta has an Msc in Data Analytics from NUI Galway where her final project dealt with human detection in the aquatic environment using deep learning models. Marta completed a BSc in Computer Science in IT (hons) in NUI Galway in 2018. In her final year project she implemented java-based PKI for M2M communication in IoT. Prior to joining ICHEC Marta worked as a software developer, eCommerce web developer, courses coordinator and lecturer. She is also passionate about sports, nature and teaching children coding/STEM.
She brings her expertise in Machine Learning and Data Science to ICHEC with responsibility of working with Irish start-ups, SMEs and Public Sector organisations for their digital transformation through the EuroHPC National Competence Centre (EuroCC).