Niall Wilson
Niall completed a BSc in Experimental Physics and subsequently an MSc in Computational Image Analysis at NUI, Galway. During the course of his research work, Niall was a TRACS (Training and Research on Advanced Computing Systems) visitor at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
Professional Experience
As Infrastructure Manager, Niall is responsible for coordinating efforts to ensure the continued high service levels and performance of the ICHEC systems and for managing the procurement and deployment of new systems. Maintaining these systems and associated software services so that they provide a high quality of service for users and staff is the main focus of the Infrastructure Group.
As the primary point of contact for all matters relating to IT services and infrastructure, Niall is a key decision maker in the design, planning, procurement and deployment of new projects which rely on computational and storage resources. He has lead the successful procurement and installation of every one of ICHEC's HPC systems. The role also involves representing Ireland's HPC infrastructure presence in the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) project and contributing to the operation of the PRACE Tier-0 and Tier-1 service in collaboration with the major HPC centres of Europe. He was responsible for the setup of the UNECE HLG-MOS Big Data Sandbox and currently leads the 12.1 subtask of the Joint Research Activity of the H2020 project HPC-Europa3 which is examining the use of application container technology in HPC.
Niall has worked as a HPC Experimental Officer at the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science at NUI, Galway. As well as acting as system administrator for the HPC facility, he worked in a support role for the scientific user community assisting in porting and parallelising codes and designing efficient workflows. Niall has also worked as a system administrator for the CosmoGrid project, maintaining three separate HPC systems and continuing his support role within the research community.