HEAnet Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences
ICHEC Outreach to HEIs: HEAnet Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences
ICHEC and HEAnet recently partnered to create a Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences. HEAnet is Ireland’s National Education and Research Network. We deliver high-speed internet connectivity and IT shared services to all levels of the Irish education sector. The Irish Centre for High-End Computing is the national provider of high-performance computing to the HEI sector.
A number of research centres around the country are connected to our HEAnet Network – giving them access to a high-speed resilient connectivity network. Additionally, these research centres can avail of HEAnet services which are particularly relevant to their academic research. Learn more about it here: Researchers - HEAnet
In the last 15 years, The Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) has provided High Performance Computing (HPC) resources and in-depth technical support to Irish researchers across all HEIs. This has enabled a diverse range of advanced research which is illustrated by the numerous publications in high-impact journals (including, Nature, Science, etc) acknowledging ICHEC’s HPC and human resources. Learn more about ICHEC here.
Attendees discussed
- Support in the preparation of research proposals and their execution, general consultancy (learn how to get €100,000 for your Research Project).
- Support in the implementation of thematic research infrastructures and testbeds.
- Opportunities to support your journey towards Open Science, via international initiatives.
- Relevant to you, off-the-shelf services that HEAnet and ICHEC offers.
- Opportunities for collaboration with HEAnet on topics of mutual interest such as Quantum Communications Infrastructure (QCI/QKD), network security, network monitoring, network control, Trust and Identity, Open Science & Research Data Management.