Archived Events Scientific Programming Concepts Course @ NUI Galway Introduction to HPC for SMEs ICHEC is organising a 1-day course on "Introduction to High Performance Computing for SMEs", supported by the Horizon 2020 SESAME Net project. Roberto Viola on HPC and Competitiveness in Ireland & Europe In celebration of ICHEC's 10th Anniversary, we are pleased to announce a public event at the Royal Irish Academy on the evening of Wednesday 30th November. ICHEC roadshow at Dublin Institute for Advance Studies On Friday 17/02, ICHEC will visit DIAS to discuss the present services and give an update on the coming future. PRACEdays17 - Registration open! From the 16 - 18 of May 2017, PRACE will host the fourth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference - PRACEdays17 Supercomputing SMEs The Irish Centre for High-End Computing – (ICHEC) will be hosting an event entitled "Supercomputing SMEs" at the Merrion Hotel, Dublin 2 on Thursday 26th January 2017. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
Introduction to HPC for SMEs ICHEC is organising a 1-day course on "Introduction to High Performance Computing for SMEs", supported by the Horizon 2020 SESAME Net project.
Roberto Viola on HPC and Competitiveness in Ireland & Europe In celebration of ICHEC's 10th Anniversary, we are pleased to announce a public event at the Royal Irish Academy on the evening of Wednesday 30th November.
ICHEC roadshow at Dublin Institute for Advance Studies On Friday 17/02, ICHEC will visit DIAS to discuss the present services and give an update on the coming future.
PRACEdays17 - Registration open! From the 16 - 18 of May 2017, PRACE will host the fourth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference - PRACEdays17
Supercomputing SMEs The Irish Centre for High-End Computing – (ICHEC) will be hosting an event entitled "Supercomputing SMEs" at the Merrion Hotel, Dublin 2 on Thursday 26th January 2017.